The 2006 FLAB Championship Match
Fellow poker player, coworker, donkey extraordinaire (screen name: semajenski) has accepted the bet to pay me $50 (or me to pay him) as soon as one of us is capable of achieving a body weight of 220 pounds. Hence the 2006 FLAB (Fat, Lazy, Arrogant Bastards) Championship Match has begun. Judging will be determined at the Receiving Dock scale. Good luck!
Today's wiegh in puts us both still 10 lbs apart, BUT each lost 2 lbs each in the first week. Ed you also need anounce the new club that is forming PLAA or Pottetmeat Lovers Association of America. You should begin taking regestrations immidatly. I know gaywing.... I mean goldwing will want to be the chairman/predient and CML (chief meat lover). As president he will show his power and athority by sporting the rainbow colered bini hat complete with propeller.
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